January 24: International day of education – A Key Priority for the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation

24 January 2025

Education is a fundamental right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet, despite progress since the adoption of this declaration, one alarming fact persists: 129 million girls worldwide are currently out of school.



Girls are the first victims of systemic inequalities in education. That is why girls’ education is a top priority for the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation.

⚠️ Major Challenges and Systemic Barriers to Overcome
In many regions, structural factors hinder girls’ access to education:

  • Armed conflicts, where women and girls are often the first to suffer.
  • Economic disparities and gender-based violence, including child marriages that affect 12 million girls each year before the age of 18.
  • Erosion of fundamental freedoms and democracies, which exacerbates educational exclusion.

These issues are reflected in troubling statistics:

  • In Sub-Saharan Africa, fewer than 40% of girls complete secondary school.
  • In certain contexts across many countries, girls have access only to minimal primary education or none at all.

🌟 Nayestane’s Initiative: Ensuring Education for Afghan Girls
In Afghanistan, where secondary schools for girls have been shut down, their education is severely compromised. In this context, the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation is proud to support Nayestane, an association striving to provide education to girls excluded from school by the Taliban.

Through its program, “Let Us Learn,” Nayestane organizes clandestine classes, enabling young girls to acquire essential knowledge and build a brighter future despite adversity.

A clandestine class session for a group of young girls in Darah (Afghanistan).

Education: A Lever for a Fairer World
At the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation, we firmly believe that education is a cornerstone for building a more equal and inclusive society. This is why ensuring equal access to quality education is one of our strategic priorities.

Together, let’s continue to act to ensure that girls worldwide have the right to access quality education.

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