The RAJA Group collects more than 800 kilos of hygiene products for women victims of violence

13 March 2019

On the occasion of the International Women’s Rights Day on March 8, the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation organized solidarity collections within the RAJA Group in Europe.
Thanks to the mobilization of the 1900 employees, more than 800 kilos of hygiene and wellness products have been collected and handed over to 16 associations in Europe, including 1 in France, that support women victims of violence.



In France, collaborators commit to Gynecology Without Borders

In France, the collaborators are mobilized for the association Gynecology Without Borders.

The Foundation pays particular attention to projects promoting the medical management and social integration of migrant women who experience double discrimination, as women and as migrant women.

It is in this dynamic that the Foundation has chosen to engage with the association Gynecology Without Borders, which it has supported for several years: in 2014 for an action carried out in Madagascar on the prevention of cervical cancer, and in 2017-2018 for the Caminor project, which offers medical-psycho-social support to women and children in migrant camps in northern France.

In December 2018, Danièle Kapel-Marcovici became Ambassador of the association:

“I enthusiastically agreed to be an ambassador for Gynecologie Sans Frontières because improving access to sexual and reproductive rights and more broadly to women’s health care in France and around the world is one of the essential causes that I defend with conviction.”

Following this partnership, the employees of RAJA France and its French subsidiaries CENPAC, Welcome Office and Logisorgues) collected more than 90 kilos of hygiene and essential products for the benefit of GSF.


A major European mobilization

Distribution to associations of products collected in European companies (Germany UdoBaër, Austria, Germany Ettlingen, Italy, Poland, UK, Netherlands)

The 17 European companies of the RAJA Group have also chosen associations acting to support, host and improve the living conditions of women victims of violence. In total, more than 700 kilos of hygiene and necessities products, clothing, but also books and toys were collected. The associations benefiting from these collections are:

Place your mouse on the orange markers to see the name of each subsidiary of the Group

Click on the orange markers to get the name, link and logo of the supported association

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