In this context of Coronavirus Pandemic, occasional solidary actions were launched by many associations to provide emergency support and, despite the circumstances, maintain the contact with vulnerable populations, amongst which many women, particularly affected by this situation.
The RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation provided an emergency financial support to the Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes, to better supply for the needs of women victims of violence. Several associations supported by the Foundation, in France and across the world, have also launched solidary initiatives to help the most deprived populations.
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Lockdown is fuelling domestic violence: thousands of women and children find themselves in a dangerous situation, trapped indoors with their abuser. |
In France, the Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes (FNSF) and its network of more than 70 associations work day after day to help these victims, through 3919 – the national emergency number for women experiencing domestic violence as well as their relatives and qualified professionals – and through their hosting and accommodation facilities to ensure their safety.
To face this emergency and the extreme precariousness that many women are living through, the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation has granted a 50,000€ aid to the FNSF to consolidate its long-term support to the Solidarité Femmes network.
“From the announcement of lockdown, the necessity of granting a special aid was obvious to us, and we selected the most efficient lever for action […].”
Emmanuelle Vedrenne, General Delegate of the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation
The current sanitary crisis impacts the most precarious populations on a daily basis, in France and all around the world. In response to this, a significant number of organizations supported by the Foundation have set up solidary initiatives. Among them, Food2rue, Afghanistan Libre and Objectif France Inde:
Meals prepared by women supported by the Food2rue association
With the help of volunteers from the Parisian Civil Protection services, the Food2rue association has been committed to cook and deliver 200 daily meals to ill-housed people and caregivers, with the help of the Fondation de France.
Supported by the Foundation for 3 years, this association’s mission is to support marginalised women through a process of professional rehabilitation, towards entrepreneurship and jobs within the food sector. These women are now proud and happy to take part in this beautiful solidary operation!
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In Afghanistan, hundreds of COVID-19 cases have officially been recorded. This number is in constant increase, but it appears to be heavily underestimated, given the country’s situation. Among the population, thousands of Afghan refugees returning back from Iran, one of the worst-affected countries, where hospitals refuse to provide them the needed care. Moreover, no follow-up nor test system has been put in place for this population. If large cities like Kabul have been confined and are rather well informed about the virus, the rural areas where Afghanistan Libre operates are completely ignored. |
Therefore, the association, with the support of the Foundation, contributes to the fight against the spread of the virus at its own regional level. In particular, the association has trained women it usually accompanies in the manufacture of 1,000 masks that are distributed with hygiene kits.
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In India, containment measures have been taken in various States of the country. In the region of Tamil Nadu, where all borders between districts are closed, the application of strict measures leads to inequalities, especially in rural areas. In the informal sector, workers use their daily wages to feed their families, but it is very difficult to supply for their needs beyond a week. Women in the informal sector, supported by the Objectif France Inde association in their efforts to achieve economic and social independence, have had access to free food provided by the government. But rations are still insufficient. |
This is why the government, with the support of SEVAI – the local partner of OFI – distributed 1,000 rupees (12€) per family to complete the rationing. SEVAI has also facilitated the creation of 2 collective kitchens to feed 700 people a day. OFI and SEVAI, supported by the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation since 2017, contribute to the collective effort to fight this health, economic and social crisis.
In this context of crisis, it is difficult for associations to keep following women and girls they support daily. But these associations show creativity and innovation to continue leading their activities remotely.
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Rêv’Elles, an association which accompanies and coaches young girls from priority neighbourhoods, adapted its programmes and set up new tools to keep helping all the beneficiaries : individual phone coaching sessions, virtual meetings to exchange about jobs and provide them vocational guidance, creation of a free online learning booklet… Various means that allow them to upkeep the link with the girls as well as their high spirits! |
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The DesCodeuses association, which trains women from priority neighbourhoods to help them find jobs in the digital sector, has been offering remote classes and online content. This ensures the continuity of the training process and the individual follow-up for each woman. |
A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE to the associations that adjusted to these circumstances to carry out their actions and THANK YOU to all the everyday heroes, on the front line of this fight!