Interview of Yael Admi, founder of Women Wage Peace and Reem Hjajara, founder of Women of the Sun

21 March 2024

Following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023, which led to a major humanitarian crisis in the region, a grant from the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation's emergency fund was awarded to the associations Women Wage Peace (Israel) and Women of the Sun (Palestine). Yael Admi, founder of Women Wage Peace, and Reem Hjajara, founder of Women of the Sun, answer the Foundation's questions.



Founded in the aftermath of the 50-day Gaza War/Operation Protective Edge in 2014, Women Wage Peace (WWP) is a broad, politically unaffiliated movement, acting to prevent the next war and to promote a non-violent, respectful, and mutually accepted solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with the active participation of women through all stages of negotiations, in accordance with UNSCR 1325. It has evolved into the largest grassroots peace movement in Israel with 45,000 members. In 2021, the Palestinian women’s rights NGO Women of the Sun was established to empower women economically and politically, and to advocate for peace. Both organizations work together to build trust across divides, fostering a unified demand for diplomatic negotiations with full women’s representation to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In 2022, they jointly published the Mother’s Call, urging both Palestinian and Israeli people, as well as the wider region, to support the resolution of the conflict. “We, Palestinian and Israeli women from all walks of life, are united in the human desire for a future of peace, freedom, equality, rights, and security for our children and the next generations.”. On October 4th, 2023, just three days before the Hamas attack, they organized a joint event from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, calling for peace.

  • How and why have you become peace activists?

As peace activists, our journey stems from our deep-rooted belief in the inherent dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or nationality. Witnessing the injustices and hardships faced by Palestinians daily, and lives plagued by fear and lack of security for both Israelis and Palestinians, we were driven to take action to advocate for peace, justice, and human rights. Our commitment to peace stems from the understanding that it is not only a moral imperative but also a practical necessity for the well-being and security of all people in the region.

  • What actions are you implementing in your respective organizations, and how do you work together?

In our respective organizations, we focus on various initiatives aimed at promoting peace, justice, and rights. This includes grassroots advocacy, community organizing, educational campaigns, and engagement with policymakers and civil society both locally and internationally. We work together closely by collaborating on joint projects, sharing resources and expertise, and amplifying each other’s voices to advocate for a just and lasting peace in the region.

  • In what ways do women play a crucial role in peacebuilding?

Women play a crucial role in peacebuilding as agents of change, reconciliation, and resilience. Our unique perspectives, experiences, and leadership contribute to more inclusive and sustainable peace processes. Women often bridge divides, build trust, and foster dialogue at the grassroots level, promoting understanding and cooperation among communities. Furthermore, the meaningful participation of women in decision-making processes is essential for addressing the root causes of conflict and ensuring the long-term success of peacebuilding efforts.

  • How do you envision a peaceful future for Israel and Palestine? How can it be achieved?

We envision a peaceful future for Israel and Palestine based on the principles of justice, equality, and respect for human rights. A just and lasting peace can only be achieved through genuine dialogue, mutual recognition, and the implementation of UN resolutions and international law. This requires political will, accountability, and active engagement from all stakeholders, including the international community.

  • What role do you believe the international community should play in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

The international community has a critical role to play in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by upholding international law, promoting accountability, and supporting a just and comprehensive peace agreement. This includes exerting pressure on both parties involved to respect human rights, end violations, and comply with UN resolutions. Additionally, the international community should support grassroots initiatives, civil society organizations, and efforts to build trust and mutual understanding between Israelis and Palestinians. Ultimately, a sustainable solution requires a collective commitment to justice, equality, and the realization of human rights, including the right to security, of all people in the region.


Biographies :

Yael Admi

Yael Admi is mother of 6, grandmother of 10. She lives in Ganei Yehudah, married to Yoel.

She has been a Peace activist over 40 years. Among other positions, she was Chairperson of the Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families Forum.

She is one of the founders and leaders of Women Wage Peace. She led a legislative initiative presented at the Israeli Knesset, the Bill for Political Alternatives. This bill requires the government to weigh and consider political alternatives, in peace and in war times, in order to avoid unnecessary military actions and to formulate political initiatives that will ensure a future of peace. She is also one of the leaders and facilitators of our ties with our Palestinian partners, Women of the Sun, and took part in formulating our joint Mothers’ Call. She is also a member of the strategic team of WWP and take part in creating cooperation with other peace organizations.

She is a group facilitator, specializing in conflict groups through the Talking Peace organization, and groups instructor and organizational consultant for the Adler institute, in which she has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2006.

She is a software engineer, specializing in AI, and Director of Development Procedures in a leading hi-tech company.

She holds  a Ph.D. in Ethics & Dialogue.

She has been recently chosen as one of Time Magazine’s 12 Women of the Year 2024.


Reem Al-Hajajreh

Reem Al- Hajajreh, a devoted mother of three residing in Deheisha Camp in Bethlehem City, holds a distinguished position as the Co-founder and Director of Women of the Sun. Recognized as one of the most influential women by Time Magazine worldwide, Reem exemplifies exemplary leadership, overseeing the strategic planning and implementation of the organization’s services and projects. Her responsibilities extend to problem-solving, program evaluation, budget approval, and representation at charitable programs and community services.

Reem is a fervent advocate for women’s empowerment and peace. She believes in the pivotal role women play in fostering justice, peace, and security, yet acknowledges their marginalization in formal peace processes. With a profound commitment to inclusivity, Reem emphasizes the urgent need for women’s involvement in peacebuilding efforts, ensuring their contributions are acknowledged and valued.

With a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Social Work from Al-Quds Open University, Reem brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her leadership role. Her exceptional communication skills, coupled with strong leadership qualities, underscore her dedication to advancing gender equality and social justice.

Reem’s qualifications and extensive experience in leadership and executive administration are testament to her unwavering commitment to empowering women and building a more equitable society.

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