Gender inequality, climate crisis and ecological transition

10 May 2023

As the third constitutional assembly of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC) is responsible for advising the Government and Parliament on the development of laws and public policies in economic, social and environmental matters.



During the plenary session of March 14, 2023, the ESEC adopted its opinion entitled “Gender inequalities, climate crisis and ecological transition”. This opinion was issued by the Delegation for Women’s Rights and Equality, and the rapporteurs were Antoine Gatet (Environment and Nature Group) and Aminata Niakaté (Crafts and Professions Group).

While women represent more than half of the world’s population today, they are the first victims of this climate degradation. Various institutions, such as CEDAW or the IPCC, recognize the extent of the consequences of the climate crisis on the environment, but also the difference in the impact of these consequences on women and men.

The opinion adopted by the ESEC proposes solutions to better understand the link between environment and gender equality.


The findings:

The lack of gender-specific statistics in the studies and surveys carried out by the authorized institutions. The IPCC, for example, does not include any gendered data.

The absence of the gender theme in the different national and international public policies.



Increase funding to feminist NGOs and associations.

Integrate women in the different environmental projects.

Mandate women as negotiators and/or representatives in governmental and negotiating bodies.

Raise public awareness of gender issues.

Encourage politicians to combine environmental policy with gender equality.

Full integration of women in the public debate.

Women’s participation in positions of responsibility.

Encourage young girls from secondary school onwards to go into scientific fields, and conversely, encourage young boys to go into the care professions.

The same socialization of both sexes.


The ESEC recommends a set of 6 areas of action:

Axis 1: Improve and raise the profile of knowledge and research on the differential impact of the effects of climate change and environmental degradation on women and men

Axis 2: Develop feminist diplomacy in environmental and sustainable development policies

Axis 3: Engage in the cross-integration of policies to reduce gender inequalities and national and local environmental policies

Axis 4: Get private and public actors more involved in an ecological transition that integrates gender inequalities both as a cause and as cross effects

Axis 5: Train, educate and strengthen the gender mix in green and greening professions

Axis 6: Environmental democracy: enabling women to be central players in debates

Stay tuned

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