12 new projects supported by the Foundation in the framework of the Women & Environment program

2 May 2023

The Executive Committee of the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation decided to support 12 new projects selected in the framework of the 2023 Women & Environment program.



Women & Environment Program

Laafi France: Training women in Agroecology and raising awareness about urban agriculture (Burkina Faso)

Emmaüs France: Emmaüs Way (France)

GERES : FaranEco (Morocco)

GRET: Empowerment of minority women for sustainable forest management in the Pu Luong reserve (Vietnam)

EKO!: Low-tech and refugees for and by women (France)

Médecins du Monde: Promotion of the rights and improvement of the health of market gardeners and consumers in the city and province of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Forestever: Women’s circle for the protection of Amazonian territories (Colombia)

Elevages sans Frontières: L’Envol des femmes (Morocco)

Régie Rurale: The gleaners : rural women who pick up their jobs in the fields (France)

Gbobètô: Green Energy Project (Benin)

WECF France: Strengthening gender equality in sustainable waste management (Colombia)

SOL, Réseau CIVAM, FADEAR: Contributing to the emancipation of women in the agro-ecological transition (France)

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