Training and help finding jobs

Vocational training in catering for marginalised women and girls in Siem Reap

Friends International Cambodia Projet soutenu en 2022 - Programme Insertion professionnelle et droits économiques


In Siem Reap, Cambodia, tourism is boosting the town’s economic growth and attracting many rural families who see opportunities to improve their living conditions. However, these families have a low level of education and few job skills. Faced with difficulties in getting into a training center or finding a stable and remunerative job, parents are forced to send their children to work on the streets (exposed to violence, drugs and prostitution).

Established in Siem Reap since 2005, Friends International (FI) offers social reintegration services to vulnerable children and young people: a reception center with psychological support and health care, schooling and vocational training. The reintegration of these children also requires family stability, both social and economic. To meet this need, FI launched a pilot project in 2016 called “Let’s Eat”, a restaurant and training center for single mothers to help them find a job. In 2022, the Foundation is being asked to enable Friends International to continue the Let’s Eat training program and thus perpetuate its action.

25women/girls accessing training and stable employment
67young women and 17 mothers who received online training

The association

Friends-International is a ChildSafe organization. It helps marginalized young people to have access to education, training and all the support they need to become productive citizens of their country.


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