In Kaltenhouse, sedentary Gypsy families live in 3 communal properties in very precarious conditions: unfit housing (vans and bungalows) and high poverty rate. The family and women’s rights information centre in the Bas-Rhin area (CIDFF 67), that has been supporting these marginalised and stigmatised populations for 10 years, notes gender inequalities within this community, where few women have completed school, and a majority of girls become mothers from the age of 15.
The CIDFF 67 team’s goal is to intensify their work towards this community through social and professional integration programs for 150 Gipsy women and girls, in order to reinforce their autonomy and improve their living conditions. The project plans 20 counselling sessions in a partnering middle school (in the city of Bischwiller) to support girls dealing with learning difficulties, 10 job discovery workshops, 10 workshops on training and employment, 10 workshops for the mobilisation and the valorisation of skills through cultural outings and 10 wellness workshops.
CIDFF Bas-Rhin is an association created in 1975, with the goal to inform about rights, facilitate social, professional and personal autonomy of women and to promote gender equality. The association is part of the national CIDFF network, gathering 106 centres located across the French territory.