Women and environment

To strengthen the economic empowerment of rural women through agrotourism and environmental protection

Projeter Sans Frontières South America Projet soutenu en 2022 : Femmes & Environnement


In 2016, Colombia emerged from more than 50 years of armed conflict that generated millions of internally displaced people. Most have fled from rural areas to large cities where they face major integration difficulties. Today, almost 42% of the population lives below the poverty line and 15% in extreme poverty. Food prices have soared because of the health crisis and have increased the risk of food insecurity for the population.

Women are the first to be affected by this increased insecurity. Far from the labor market, they are mostly relegated to domestic tasks and financially dependent on their spouse. The association Projeter sans Frontières (PSF) has been working since 2018 in the municipality of La Calera, a territory renowned for its biodiversity, and is helping to reintegrate vulnerable populations into the labor market by strengthening their agro-ecological skills and accompanying them in the marketing of fruit and vegetable baskets. Building on the success of its action, PSF wishes to take a new step by diversifying the sources of income of the women of La Calera through agrotourism and the creation of “edible forests” for self-consumption and the sale of products from the forests.

37women involved in agri-tourism actions
10plots are reforested, 5 of which with fruit trees and edible shrubs

The association

Projeter sans Frontières is a non-profit organization of international solidarity fighting against poverty and exclusion in developing countries.

Projeter Sans Frontières | Association de Solidarité Internationale (ong-psf.org)

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