Training and help finding jobs

The remobilization factory: towards a socio-professional (re)integration of women prisoners and those leaving prison

Wake up Café France, France Project supported in 2022


Currently, 70,000 people are incarcerated in France, 3.6% of whom are women, i.e. 2534 people. They generally have a history marked by a series of ruptures and exclusions: they have little education, are young mothers, mostly isolated and unemployed. Most of them have been victims of domestic violence. After a period in prison, many of them suffer from addictions and are even more dependent on their families: although there are few women in prison, they experience increased isolation in detention, are without activity in their cells 22 hours a day and leave detention even more vulnerable.

Wake up Café wishes to help these women by offering them individual and collective support during their period of incarceration in penitentiary centers and prisons, but also outside in the different sites of the association. Wake up Café currently accompanies 8% of women and its beneficiaries have a rate of return to prison (women and men combined) of 8% five years after their release, compared to 61% for the general population.

50women accompanied since 2014

The association

The purpose Wake-up Café is to initiate, organize, support, and participate in any initiative, project, show or event with the aim of revealing, developing, and encouraging any form of artistic or cultural expression that allows the human person to progress, find his or her place in society and flourish.

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