The city of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is home to both an emerging class driven by the country’s dynamism and a highly marginalized population, without resources or qualifications. This phenomenon of exclusion is of particular concern for young women in the rural provinces of North Hanoi, who, upon arrival in the city, live in precarious and dangerous conditions (street life and prostitution).
In 2018, LP4Y decided to dedicate its Life Project Center of the city of Hanoi to the training of about thirty young women per year. Hosted during the 9 months of the program, they benefit from support based on the experience of entrepreneurship, enabling them to acquire the skills and know-how necessary to find a decent job and to get out of the poverty cycle once and for all. The programme will allow these excluded young women to get out of extreme precariousness, and to design a professional project in a secure setting.
The purpose of Life Project 4 Youth is to:
– assist, through training in entrepreneurship, to the social and occupational integration of young adults in precarious and excluded situations;
– advocate for the integration of these young adults;
– and train “coaches” called upon to implement integration schemes.