The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the poorest countries in Africa and faces great political instability. Since the 1990s, the Kivu region has been plagued by violence and conflict. 85% of the region’s population lives below the poverty line and 22% is unemployed. This fragile socio-economic situation reinforces the inequalities between men and women that are already present in the country. The literacy rate is 66% for women (88% for men), only 8.2% of women are members of parliament, and over 60% of women report having been victims of domestic violence. The health crisis has largely contributed to accentuate this phenomenon by reinforcing the insecurity and the financial and social dependence of women.
In this context, the non-profit organization Frères des Hommes, in partnership with the organization for the Advancement of Female Entrepreneurship, helps women of Bukavu to overcome their economic, social, and political obstacles. The organizations are implementing a training program that includes a literacy class, cutting and sewing trainings as well as an empowerment axis.
Frères des Hommes aims at: