Women and environment

Supporting female entrepreneurs in sustainable agriculture and food.

WECF France, France 2020


The project

Since 2011 in the rural area of Haute-Savoie, WECF France supports 50 female entrepreneurs to help develop their businesses, thanks to the regional network “Rural women”. Following a study carried out in 2015 of a hundred women from the region, the association found that they face financial pressures and lack support for their businesses, having little or no access to advice or guidance. WECF France wishes to take on a further 50 members, to strengthen the “Rural Women” network. The aims of the network are to help improve the income of female entrepreneurs and guarantee food security in the region, while promoting the use of sustainable agricultural practices.


100women entrepreneurs to receive guidance and support.
1published programme on sustainable food.
1online platform created dedicated to support the "Rural Women" network.

The association


Created in 2008, WECF France is committed to the promotion of gender equality and women’s involvement in environmental and sustainable development policies.

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