Every year around the world, almost a third of the food produced and intended for human consumption is thrown away. Every week in the “Île de France” region, 200 tons of fruits and vegetables are wasted, mainly due to the extreme length of supply chains.
Since 2017, the association Re-Belle has campaigned against food waste by valuing unsold fruits and vegetables in Île-de-France. The wasted produce is turned into artisanal jams and sold. Unemployed women work in a workshop in Aubervilliers, in the Seine-Saint-Denis district, to manufacture the jams. These women benefit from socio-professional support to prepare for their integration towards sustainable employment. The association is currently working on consolidating its model – increasing production and sales, creating more jobs and developing awareness on sustainable foods.
Re-Belle, established in Seine-Saint-Denis, provides an opportunity for people struggling to return to employment by using sustainability and foods as a mean.