Women and environment

Promoting the empowerment of women farmers and enhancing their role for a sustainable ecological transition

GoodPlanet Foundation France, Loire-Atlantique Project supported in 2020


The project

In France, 32% of the permanent workforce in the agricultural field are women, and only one quarter of them are established as head of agricultural holdings.
These women suffer from an “invisibility” of their activity, in a male-dominated and receding sector, and hardly access to decision-making spaces.

From the observation that women are setting up concrete initiatives for sustainable agriculture, the GoodPlanet Foundation’s objective is to widen the “Groupe Femmes 44”(GF44), a collective of 15 women farmers from the “CIVAM – French for Center of Initiatives for the Valorisation of the Rural Field – in the region of Loire-Atlantique. The project plans to support women from the GF44 thanks to the conduct of studies and practical guides, the organisation of exchange days, and the sharing of experiences on the vocation of sustainable farming, and through technical training programmes catered to their needs. Communication actions will also be planned to honour the role of women in sustainable agriculture aimed at the general public, as well as professionals of the field.

Not only will this project favour the emancipation and the reinforcement of female famers’ abilities, it will also enable the promotion of sustainable and eco-friendly production methods.


25women farmers trained and supported
1documentary made about women from the GF44 (Groupe Femmes 44)
140collectives and networks of farmers made aware of the issue

The association

Founded in 2009 by Yann Arthus-Betrand, the GoodPlanet Foundation’s goal is to raise awareness and promote the preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development through environmental and solidary projects.

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