From 2015 to 2017, the Geres association, conducted a first project that consisted in the production and the distribution of ‘enhanced cooking stoves’ – in French, Foyers de Cuissons Améliorés or FCA. Following the success of this project, the Geres association partnered up with the local Thazi network, hoping to create a network providing Sustainable Energy Solutions (or SESs, i.e. energy tools such as ‘SESs’, lamps and solar kits). This network will be managed by a group of women, who will sell these ‘SESs’ to rural populations, in particular to women who will be the main users.
The project comprises technical and entrepreneurial training to ten women distributors of SESs, awareness actions to boost local demand, the implementation of partnerships with microfinance structures to facilitate the access to these solutions and, finally, advocacy actions among political actors.
The project enables the creation of an economic sector for ‘SESs’ adapted to local needs and managed by female entrepreneurs.
Geres is an international NGO for development, working for the improvement of the living conditions of population in poor countries, while preserving the environment and limiting the impact of climate change.