Training and help finding jobs


Les entreprises pour la cité France, Ile-de-France Projet soutenu en 2022 - Programme Insertion professionnelle et droits économiques


The Val-de-Marne is the second largest refugee-hosting department in France, yet very few services are available to help them find work and integrate professionally.

The project, led by the association Les entreprises pour la cité, consists of accompanying refugee women towards employment, by setting up a pathway geared towards professionalization (French courses, meetings with companies, job search workshops, etc.), while considering the difficulties they may encounter, particularly childcare and discrimination. The association will also collaborate with the Groupe Accueil et Solidarité (GAS, an association already supported by the Foundation), which will offer social support to the beneficiaries. Depending on the profile of the beneficiaries (level of education, French, integration difficulties), two courses will be offered: a basic course of 8 weeks for the most vulnerable and another shorter, à la carte course.

40women beneficiaries of the project
2/3of the women who benefit from the project are in a vulnerable situation

The association

The aim of the association is to work for equal opportunities for all. It works to promote the principles and values of fairness in relation to social responsibility by raising awareness among companies and, more generally, public, and private actors, of the problems of exclusion and discrimination and by recommending ways to combat these phenomena.

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