Women’s rights and combating violence

From self to work: global support for women victims of violence in trauma situations

H.O.M.E France, Ile-de-France Association supported in 2019


The project

In France, approximately 200,000 women are victims of domestic violence each year. This violence particularly affects young women: 20% of domestic violence concerns 20-24 year-olds in the Ile-de-France region.

The H.O.M.E association offers them comprehensive support to enable them to rebuild themselves. The project aims to strengthen the existing support system (housing, legal and social approaches) by offering young women medical and social support. In addition to emergency accommodation and/or individual coaching in their professional orientation, the supported women will benefit from psychological follow-up and sports and cultural workshops. This support makes it possible to act on several essential aspects to facilitate the exit from violence, regain their self-confidence and create the conditions conducive to their professional integration for a lasting reconstruction.

100women victims of violence supported
30women benefit from psychological monitoring and sports and cultural workshops

The association

The purpose of the H.O.M.E association is to promote the occupational integration of young women and women in difficulty from working-class neighbourhoods and/or victims of violence, and to propose and develop a secure housing network for women victims of intra-family and/or conjugal violence; it operates mainly in Val-de-Marne as well as in the rest of France.

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