In Benin, people living in rural areas are considered the poorest. In the villages of Zounzonmé and Adingnignon, 60% of the inhabitants live on less than €1 per day and 45% are illiterate. The health crisis has aggravated the precariousness of the population and reinforced the phenomenon of school drop-out among young girls. A diagnosis in these two villages identified a 50% increase in school dropouts among girls enrolled in the Collèges d’Enseignement Général where they are supposed to be enrolled from the age of 12 to 22. The lack of information on sexual and reproductive health (SRH), unwanted pregnancies, lack of access to water for menstrual hygiene, early marriages and domestic chores are all reasons that hinder the schooling of these young girls.
To fight against this phenomenon, the association Sages-Femmes Sans Frontières (SFSF) intervenes in these 2 villages with the local association Solidarité et Initiatives pour un Développement Durable (SID) to inform young girls in school about SRH, thus encouraging their schooling, and to support the social reintegration of young mothers. A prevention bus raises awareness among the pupils of two secondary schools, while SFSF’s MIMA training centre supports the income-generating activities of young mothers or young girls who have fallen too far behind to be able to return to school.
The association aims to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to reduce maternal and child mortality and violence against women in France and internationally through: training by strengthening the skills of health workers, teachers and vulnerable beneficiaries (sexual health, hygiene, civil rights, environmental protection, etc.), promoting health according to the Ottawa Charter, and education to encourage female emancipation and leadership.