Over a three-year period, the Grdr – Migration, Citoyenneté, Développement association, in partnership with the towns of Sevran (93), Corbeil Essonnes (91) and Sarcelles (95), is proposing to help women who practice informal culinary activities, and to support them in their socio-professional integration. These towns have a number of characteristics in common: their populations are underprivileged (poverty rate between 26 and 33%) and often immigrant (between 27 and 35%). The support will involve setting up an association in each town to bring together the beneficiaries, so that they can then provide services. Town halls will provide the associations with premises and kitchens. The women, most of whom are immigrants, will also receive long-term support, depending on their needs (accommodation, French courses, access to rights, parenthood, etc.). A similar project, co-financed by the Foundation, is being tested in Grigny in 2021 by Grdr. Thanks to comprehensive, à la carte support, women are able to overcome the main obstacles preventing them from finding work in the formal market (knowledge of French, accommodation, access to rights). What’s more, by learning to lead a project and working as part of a group, they regain confidence in themselves and their skills.
Founded in 1969, Grdr is one of the few associations to carry out development work in countries of origin, transit and destination (West Africa, North Africa and France). The Antenne Ile-de-France works on access to rights, socio-professional integration and entrepreneurship for migrants, training and research-action.