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Creation of an agro-ecological farm to welcome women under the hand of justice in Tarnos

Organisme de Gestion de la Ferme Emmaüs Baudonne (OGFEB) France, France Association supported in 2019


The project

In France in 2019, 3.6% of the prison population is women (2,500 people). This minority presence in prisons makes them invisible and leads to a critical lack of budget and of measures allocated to their reintegration.

In order to support these inmates, the OGFEB will create the Emmaüs Baudonne Farm (FEB), a social and professional integration project around agro-ecological gardening. The women welcomed will benefit from a global accompaniment that will include both collective workshops to encourage the resumption of activity and individualized support according to their needs: administrative procedures, access to rights, mobility or search for housing. This project will allow supported women to take advantage of an escape hatch of everyday life, between the prison and the exit. Community life on the farm will allow them to regain autonomy and confidence, regain their intimacy and gradually reconnect with their loved ones.

7women in sentence adjustment welcomed to the farm

The association

The mission of the OGFEB is to implement the orientations of Emmaus International, Europe and France, in the spirit of the Universal Manifesto of Emmaus. It fights injustices and various forms of exclusion, both in terms of their causes and consequences. To this end, it acts in particular by meeting the conditions necessary for the creation of an agro-ecological structure with a social, pedagogical and cultural dimension in Tarnos, and by supporting, administering and managing this structure.

Website of the association 

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