Education and social action

Action Globale et Plurielle

ASSOCIATION DES FEMMES DE FRANC-MOISIN France, France Project supported in 2023


The Association des Femmes de Franc-Moisin (Franc-Moisin Women’s Association) runs programs for exiled women and their children, including language training, social support, cultural and sports activities and childcare. For 40 years, the association has been developing its activities and skills to empower exiled women and meet their needs. For example, aware that when they returned home, these women did not speak French, the association decided to offer them a framework for practicing the language through cultural and sporting activities. In addition, a childcare service has been developed for the women’s children when they are in classes or workshops.

Language learning gives them the keys to expressing themselves and making themselves understood, while cultural activities provide them with opportunities to make their voices heard and take part in public debate. They also learn to ride a bike, which is a way of regaining their self-confidence and occupying their neighborhood. Their voices are heard and women are less isolated. The impact is also visible on the children, who are prepared or supported in their schooling.

270women benefit from the actions of the Association des Femmes de Franc-Moisin every year

The association

The Association des Femmes de Franc-Moisin focuses on language learning and the social and economic integration of foreign families or families of foreign origin living in the Franc-Moisin neighborhood (Saint-Denis) and surrounding areas.

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